

2023-06-02 08:35:20 中国石化新闻网

中国石化新闻网讯 据能源年网站5月31日西班牙港报道,bp周一宣布,该公司已经完成特立尼达和多巴哥近海小型油田钻探活动的第一阶段。





钻探作业由Joe Douglas自升式钻机完成,该平台目前在Savonette平台开始下一口井的钻探作业。

bp特立尼达和多巴哥地区总裁David Campbell表示,“Mango油田油井的成功完井对bp和特立尼达和多巴哥来说都是一个好消息。这表明我们将继续致力于在哥伦布盆地现有浅水区域开发资源”。

郝芬 译自 能源年网站


BP completes drilling phase offshore Trinidad

BP has completed the first phase of its small pools drilling campaign offshore Trinidad and Tobago, the British energy giant announced on Monday.

The campaign, which began in October 2022, included three wells in the Mango field, one well in the Savonette field and three wells in the Angelin field.

Successful finds on the three Mango wells have been put into production and are producing around 5.1 mcm (180 mcf) per day, with the third well still ramping up its production levels.

The scope of the small pools project involved side tracks of existing wells and unexplored areas near BP’s existing infrastructure.

Drilling was performed by the Joe Douglas jack-up rig, which is currently at the Savonette platform to commence drilling the next well.

“The successful completion of the wells in our Mango field is great news for bpTT and for Trinidad and Tobago,” said David Campbell, president of BP Trinidad and Tobago.

“It demonstrates our continued commitment to developing resources in our existing shallow water acreage in the Columbus Basin.”

(责任编辑:黄振 审核:蒋文娟 )



